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Even thought the website does not completely work yet, I'm going to start the comic on 3.3.05. The comic will update only once a week, since I'm not too confident about my speed. 2.3.05
I updated the comic with two pages now, since there really isn't that much action on page 2 2.3.05
I updated the comic with two pages now, since there really isn't that much action on page 2 8.3.05
Forget what i said about the update schedule. From this day on the comic will move to twice a week update schedule. This mostly becouse I have a really good head start and I'm pretty confident that I can make couple pages every weekend. 10.3.05
I was thinking of adding a tag-board with todays update, but seems that their website is down. I'll be adding it later. I'll add a links page later also. 15.3.05
I've been really busy lately so I haven't done any tweaking to the site. I'll be making some repairs and addings during the week if I have time thought. 17.3.05
The tag-board seems to be operational, so if you want to comment or ask something feel free to use it. 24.3.05
This page is sort of a milestone in the short history of this comic, since with this page I went back to doing "traditional" inking instead of digital inking. This chance really helped my productivity. I also made the gallery page. There's only one picture now, but I'll be adding stuff with some of the later updates. 7.4.05
I finally added the cast page.At least for now it will only feature important characters like the main characters, but not more minor characters like Roberts or Bilal. In this page I wanted to draw the first panel where the leech would turn around, but sadly there wasn't enought room. This is also propably the third battlescene I've ever drawn ;) 19.4.05
I added a color picture of the main characters to the gallery section. Links for comics This Strife and Gothboy have been also removed since it seems that the websites were taken down. 10.5.05
Added evolutions of Mark, Daniel and Marie to the gallery section. 17.5.05
Added Malcom to the cast page. 19.5.05
Added Malcom's Evolution and Dark Side of Daniel to gallery page. 2.6.05
Added all pages of Cold White North Version 1 to gallery section. Could somebody draw some fan-art, it's getting lonely with only my pictures there ;) 7.6.05
Made some tweaking to the site and finally added the archive page. I decidet to make one myself since the calendar code didn't seem to want to work with me 24.6.05 Sorry about thursday, being the idiot I am, I forgot to update the comic. 12.7.05 Both the webpage and comic page layout are going throught more or less redical changes. I'll be changing both to bit more ambitious style, so to speak. I'll try to get everything working and updated as soon as I can, but as all technology hates me, I wont make any promises. 14.7.05 Sorry for the late update. The website is almost completely functional now, only some cosmetic problems still remain. I updated the cast page with new pictures that better reflect each characters personalities and added profile for Raptor 4.8.05 Added two pictures to gallery section. One features every character that has appeared in the comic in chibi form. The other is about Big Jack. 16.8.05 As some of you have propably noticed, my host comicgenesis has changed it's name to Comicgenesis. Because of this it might be safer to update any possible bookmarks to http://coldwhitenorth.comicgenesis.com/ 6.9.05 Added a picture of Livico to the gallery section. 27.9.05 Propably the only reason I haven't done any fan-service before is that drawing boobs is hard. This is also possibly the most useless news post of all time ;) 8.11.05 This is the end. Sort of anyway. If you want to know what's going to happen next, take a look at my little rant. 3.1.06 So here it is again, yay? Even though most of you propably came back, so you could see Raptor's boobs again ;) well, don't worry, I'm working on that. As you must have noticed, the comic is not colored anymore. That's because I ink it digitally nowdays, and digital inking takes lot more time to do than "real" inking (anyone who's ever tried it knows what I'm talking about). I might move back to color eventually, when I get faster with this method. There won't be any drastic changes to the website yet, but I'm going to update it a bit next week with couple new features, like world info and soundtrack. I'll also remake some buttons and other small stuff. The Unlit Candle is also sorta operational nowdays. Check it out if you're intrested. 10.1.06 Made some tweakings and cleaning to the website. There's now a extra-section, which currently features the world info. I try to make the comic so that it woulnd't be necessary to know all that stuff, but for those who are intrested, it should offer some insight to the world the characters live in. I'll mention it in the newsbox, if I will update it later. 16.2.06 Still no news of the parts I ordered. That's why CWN will take a break for next week and will (hopefully) continue again on 21th of February. 28.2.06 Alright, I got the necessary parts couple days ago and fixed this damn thing. Yay? Anyway, there's couple new pictures at the gallery, check it out. 9.3.06 I'm putting the comic on a hold again. With my senior high matriculation exams starting next week and all, I just don't have the time or energy to draw the comic. Cold White North will continue on 4th of April. |
White North is hosted on comicgenesis,
a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. |